
Welcome to our website!


Dr. Kelly Huber & her Chiropractic Associates offer integrative medicine to individuals in pain and individuals wanting to better their well-being using state-of-the-art technology to design customized treatment plans using chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage, nutrition, pilates, shockwave therapy, cervical traction, and vertebral decompression so you can live longer and feel your best !

Our purpose is to help as many people as possible to get well naturally and to educate them on what we do so they in turn can educate others.


Serving the Southside / Beaches Area

Southside Beaches
295 & Gate Parkway     A1A & JTB
11512 Lake Mead Avenue, Suite 203   135 Professional Drive, Suite 105
Jacksonville, FL 32256    Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
904.565.1116  904.280.1101
MM #21236  MM # 13713










Insurance Accepted

All Auto Insurances 


Same Day Appointments Available!

Health Articles

Resolution of Post Concussion Syndrome Following Chiropractic Care
Resolution of Post Concussion Syndrome Following Chiropractic Care
A case study published on September 12, 2023, in the scientific journal Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research documented the elimination of all post-concussion symptoms in a case after chiropractic care was rendered. Post-concussion syndrome is when symptoms from a concussion last longer than what . . .
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Chiropractic Associated with Opioid Usage Reduction or Discontinued in Patients After Failed Back Surgery
Chiropractic Associated with Opioid Usage Reduction or Discontinued in Patients After Failed Back Surgery
The Journal of the International Academy of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine published the results of a cohort study showing that chiropractic care was associated with a reduction and/or discontinuation of opioid usage in patients suffering from failed back surgery. . . .
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Woman Regains Will to Live Under Chiropractic Care
Woman Regains Will to Live Under Chiropractic Care
The Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published a report in their 2023 fourth quarter issue documenting the case of a woman who, prior to receiving chiropractic care, was in severe neuropathic pain for so long that she considered ending her life. Neuropathic pain is nerve pain that is not the direct . . .
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Dizziness Helped by Chiropractic According to Study
Dizziness Helped by Chiropractic According to Study
The Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic published the results of a case series on December 14, 2023, documenting chiropractic care helping to alleviate dizziness in a series of patients. Each of the people in this study had been suffering from significant dizziness for at least three months. . . .
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Office Hours


Gate Parkway / 295: 8:45 AM -12:45 PM & 2 - 6 PM
Ponte Vedra: 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM & 2 - 6:30 PM

Gate Parkway / 295: by appointment 
Ponte Vedra: 8:45 AM - 12:30 PM / 2- 5:30 PM
Gate Parkway / 295: 9:30 AM  - 12:30 PM / 2- 6:30 PM
Ponte Vedra: 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM  / 2- 6:30 PM
Gate Parkway / 295: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM  / 2- 6:30 PM
Ponte Vedra: 8:45 AM - 12:30 PM / 2 -6:15 PM

Gate Parkway / 295: 8:45 AM- 1 PM

Ponte Vedra: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM  / 2 - 6:00 PM

Gate Parkway / 295: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (Doctor's hours with massage) & 1 - 5 PM massage
Ponte Vedra: Massage: By appointment

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